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Hello Beautiful Souls!

I've been dying to go in depth about a few of my favorite crystals, so here it goes! Let me know your personal experiences with selenite in the comments below! 

Were going to dive into the properties of selenite and what this beautiful stone has to offer.

Ancient Use of Selenite 

Selenite was first named after Greek goddess Selene, goddess of the moon.  There’s an obvious reason why.  It totally looks like a shining moon; especially in sphere form. 

Selenite has been a highly prized mineral in ancient Egyptian cultures for centuries.  Mainly used for fertility and rebirth, the stone was polished into an egg shape and buried in tombs to help guide the souls of the dead into the after-life.

Metaphysical Properties 

  • Mental Clarity
  • Peace 
  • Enlightenment 
  • Awareness
  • Dispels Negativity 
  • Stability 
  • Protection 
  • Calming 
  • Insight
  • Communication
  • Strength 
  • Connection to Spirit
  • Aura Cleanser

I could continue, but I don’t wanna keep you reading all day! Can you tell why it’s my favorite yet? Selenite is incredibly versatile, and definitely a must have! 

Selenite Meditation 

What you’ll need:

  • Yourself
  • 1 Selenite Wand 

Sit in Easy Pose, legs crossed, with hands rested on your knees. Steady your breath. In and out through your nose, for a count of 10. Close your eyes, empty your mind, relax your shoulders, and breathe. 

When you’re ready to begin, lift your wand and begin to brush the negative energies away from your body, away from the mind, and the soul.  

Continue to breathe with every motion. 

Take as long as you need. 

When finished, begin to transition into childs pose. Feet tucked under your bum, stretching your arms in front of you, to the floor.  Spread your legs a bit to rest your hips down to the floor as well.

When ready, place the selenite wand on the floor, where your forehead will lay comfortably.

Breathe in for a count of 5..4..3..2..1 and breathe out 5..4..3..2..1.

Imagine your thoughts drifting away as you relax all your muscles.  

Sweet nothing-ness.   

Once you’ve completed this meditation, it’s important to cleanse your space of the energies you’ve brushed off yourself previously.

Imagine the wand as a vacuum, absorbing all of the unwanted dust and webs that were never welcomed. 

Lastly, cleanse your wand by smudging, salt, or a good moonlight soak during the night. 

I hope I’ve brought light to the many uses of selenite, and can’t wait to hear about your meditations!

Thank you all so much!

Love & Light,



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