Crystals for Restful Sleeping

If you're like me, there is nothing more frustrating than trying to fall asleep. My mind wonders, I think about all the things I need to get done once awakening tomorrow, and all of life's stress' hits me at once. It feels like powering off my mind is next to impossible; without my 4 favorite crystals of course.

Known as the stone of "extreme serenity" because of its connections to the Third-Eye, Heart, and Crown Chakras, Celestite does a wonderful job at calming and soothing the mind; erasing all of the chaotic thoughts before bed. Celestite also bestows on you a sense of having a "guardian angel" by your side while resting.

Selenite originates from an Ancient Greek word meaning "stone of the moon." Selenite also encourages calm emotions, much like Celestite. It stills the mind, and enables you to find peace within. Selenite even aids farther by pulling you into a deeper sleep state.

Being one of the more common crystals out there, I'm sure you have a piece lying around your home somewhere. Since Amethyst connects with the Crown Chakra, it promotes happy, more vivid dreams. Keep a dream journal by your bedside to keep note of the dreams you have, and place your Amethyst crystal along side of it.

This particular stone aids in sleep, but also, in lucid dreaming. Rainbow Moonstone acts as a prism to diffuse any surrounding energies causing you to stay awake. Its benefits go as far as regulating your sleep schedule, and even helps those who suffer from sleep walking episodes.